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Connecting with others is the single most important thing we can do for our happiness.

When we’re with other people, we feel more positive emotions, which leads to greater happiness. When we’re happier, we have better relationships. This in turn leads to more positive emotions…and being on an “upward spiral” of well-being and happiness.

Blog, Articles & Videos


Intergenerational Transmission of Attachment

Last week my blog post explored the historical underpinnings of attachment theory. 

The Birth of Attachment Theory

John Bowlby began his clinical observations of attachment behavior in the 1960s while working in a home for maladjusted boys.

Honeymoonus interruptus

“Sure, I can answer that question, easy.”Anne was in her early 40s, sitting next to her husband on a couch in my lab, cameras rolling.

Happiness exercise: How to make people love you

People Will Like You: Active Listening

If you’re read psychology books, you’ve likely heard of the term “active listening.”  And it probably means something along these lines to you:

Mary: “I had a really good day at the office today.  It seemed that everything was going right.  I even got complimented by my boss.”
Nancy (active listening, echoing back what she just heard): “It sounds like you had a really good day at the office, and that you’re enjoying remembering it.”


The Loneliness Alarm

 Dr. John Cacioppo studies loneliness and social isolation.

The Loneliness Alarm

Dr. John Cacioppo studies loneliness and social isolation.

The Tap Code (NEW)

Your browser does not support the video tag. Bob Shumaker describes the Tap Code he developed as a POW.

The Loneliness Alarm

 Dr. John Cacioppo, who studies loneliness and social isolation, explains that loneliness is connected to mental and physical disorders.

You can’t buy happiness

Your browser does not support the video tag. America Ferrara, the star of the hit TV series Ugly Betty, shares a personal story...

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