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President of the American Association of Suicidology: Letter of Resignation

August 30, 2021 Dear Members of the AAS Board and suicidology community, I am writing to inform you about my decision to leave my position as President of the Board of the American Association of Suicidology effective immediately. Serving the suicidology community as an executive committee member of the AAS Board for the past four years has been one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my professional life. Since 2017, I have volunteered an average of 5 – 10 hours per week to AAS, many...

Do Smartphone Apps Help Your Mental Health?

Can smartphones help your mental health? Goldberg et al (2022) recently conducted a study to see whether mobile smartphone apps can help your mental health. The researchers' conclusion? "Taken together, these results suggest that mobile phone-based interventions may hold promise for modestly reducing common psychological symptoms (e.g., depression, anxiety), although effect sizes are generally small (Ed. -- not true) and rarely do these interventions outperform other interventions intended to be therapeutic (i.e., specific active controls)." They conducted what is called a scientific "meta review" (also called...

The sexiest part of the human body

“What is the sexiest part of the human body?” screamed the headline of a full-page movie advertisement in the Sunday New York Times.

Happiness exercise: How to make people love you

People Will Like You: Active Listening

If you’re read psychology books, you’ve likely heard of the term “active listening.”  And it probably means something along these lines to you:

Mary: “I had a really good day at the office today.  It seemed that everything was going right.  I even got complimented by my boss.”
Nancy (active listening, echoing back what she just heard): “It sounds like you had a really good day at the office, and that you’re enjoying remembering it.”

Not your grandfather’s depression

My grandfather was a caricature of the stolid working-class, blue-collar, hard-scrabble miner whose parents came to this country with virtually nothing.

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