Online Support Communities: Quality is About People, Not Posts

The popularity of online communities has never been stronger, with the growth of new groups (such as YouTube) skyrocketing past those of old. But sometimes people and companies confuse what makes a popular community, well, popular. They mistakenly point to traffic numbers, confusing quantity of people (or unique visitors) over why the people are coming in the first place – for other people. As online communities continue to grow with virtually everyone who is online belonging to at least one such community, communities start...

The Pursuit of Happiness: Your Inalienable Right

Happiness is neither a simple goal nor a place we try to find. It is a way of living your life.

Lessons From My Father

“Everything in moderation, including moderation.” --Oscar Wilde, Irish writer and poet

Andrea Mathews, LPC, NCC

Andrea Mathews is an author, psychotherapist, corporate trainer, and motivational and inspirational speaker. She has over 30 years of experience in the mental health field, the last 14 of those in a thriving private practice, providing Transpersonal Therapy and Cognitive Therapy to individuals and couples on a variety of issues. Cognitive Therapy is an approach in which one works with thoughts, self-talk and beliefs to change patterns that are not working and develop new ways of interacting with self and others. Transpersonal Therapy assists...

The 5 Types of Girlfriends You Need In Your Life

Women need different kinds of friendships at different points in their lives.

The Loneliness Alarm

 Dr. John Cacioppo studies loneliness and social isolation.

The Loneliness Alarm

Dr. John Cacioppo studies loneliness and social isolation.

10 Tips To Connect With Your Child

This content is provided in conjunction with This Emotional Life’s Early Moments Matter initiative.

Searching for Attachment at Home

The key to any bond rests with time spent together.

The Courage to Be Vulnerable

This is our task as parents: to bring enough love and presence to our children's vulnerability.

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