Honeymoonus interruptus

“Sure, I can answer that question, easy.”Anne was in her early 40s, sitting next to her husband on a couch in my lab, cameras rolling.

Online Support Communities: Quality is About People, Not Posts

The popularity of online communities has never been stronger, with the growth of new groups (such as YouTube) skyrocketing past those of old. But sometimes people and companies confuse what makes a popular community, well, popular. They mistakenly point to traffic numbers, confusing quantity of people (or unique visitors) over why the people are coming in the first place – for other people. As online communities continue to grow with virtually everyone who is online belonging to at least one such community, communities start...

Intergenerational Transmission of Attachment

Last week my blog post explored the historical underpinnings of attachment theory. 

Deployment Diary: Who Are You Calling Dependent?

The term “military dependent” is no longer used in polite military society, replaced not so long ago by the far more PC “family member”. 

Attachment, Motherhood, and Mental Health

This is an interview conducted with Dr. Jessica Zucker by Therese J. Borchard of Beyond Blue.

The Loneliness Alarm

 Dr. John Cacioppo, who studies loneliness and social isolation, explains that loneliness is connected to mental and physical disorders.

The Rituals of Courtship

 Your browser does not support the video tag. Marc D. Hauser, author of the highly acclaimed book, Wild Minds, What Animals Really Think, talks about the rituals of human courtship.

The Pursuit of Happiness: Your Inalienable Right

Happiness is neither a simple goal nor a place we try to find. It is a way of living your life.

Racing Hearts

Your browser does not support the video tag. Dr. Art Aron, an expert on relationships, social cognition, and social neuroscience, recounts the findings of his famous “Capilano Bridge experiment”. This experiment demonstrated that a person’s feelings of attraction are more intense in situations of danger.

The Birth of Attachment Theory

John Bowlby began his clinical observations of attachment behavior in the 1960s while working in a home for maladjusted boys.

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