Love’s Antechamber

 Your browser does not support the video tag. Elizabeth Gilbert describes infatuation as "love’s antechamber, a place where you wait to see if you will proceed onto love".

Searching for Attachment at Home

The key to any bond rests with time spent together.

The Experience of Touch and the Development of Self

Skin is the largest sense organ that humans possess (Brennan & Loev, 1998).

The Rituals of Courtship

 Your browser does not support the video tag. Marc D. Hauser, author of the highly acclaimed book, Wild Minds, What Animals Really Think, talks about the rituals of human courtship.

10 Tips To Connect With Your Child

This content is provided in conjunction with This Emotional Life’s Early Moments Matter initiative.

Relational Strivings

Although each participant narrated her own unique developmental unfolding, many of the women interviewed explained feeling that there was “never enough” love to be consumed,...


Jason is a twenty-nine year old man with Asperger’s Syndrome from Rockland County, NY. Asperger’s Syndrome is part of the Autism Spectrum of Disorders and is a pervasive developmental disorder that affects the senses, motor skills, social skills and language. Jason was diagnosed relatively late in life and has endured a great deal of emotional pain due to his lack of social skills. He was also misdiagnosed with various conditions in his childhood, including schizophrenia and ADHD, and was given medication which caused horrible...

Bob S.

Bob Shumaker was born in Pennsylvania, the son of a lawyer and a writer.  After graduating from public schools he attended Northwestern University for a year and then the United States Naval Academy where he was a boxer, a cross-country runner and a scholar. After graduating in 1956 he attended flight training and eventually joined VF-32, a fighter squadron in Jacksonville, Florida. He was a finalist in the Apollo astronaut selection, but a temporary physical ailment prevented his selection. In 1964 he graduated with a...

Lessons From My Father

“Everything in moderation, including moderation.” --Oscar Wilde, Irish writer and poet

The Loneliness Alarm

 Dr. John Cacioppo studies loneliness and social isolation.

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