Attachment, Motherhood, and Mental Health

This is an interview conducted with Dr. Jessica Zucker by Therese J. Borchard of Beyond Blue.

Choosing Friends

 Your browser does not support the video tag. Elizabeth Gilbert talks about how she chooses her friends and the value of those special relationships.

Deployment Diary: Who Are You Calling Dependent?

The term “military dependent” is no longer used in polite military society, replaced not so long ago by the far more PC “family member”. 

The First Connection

Your browser does not support the video tag. Dr. Lane Strathearn describes the enduring nature of the mother-child bond and how that sets the stage for a lifetime of social connections.

The Rituals of Courtship

 Your browser does not support the video tag. Marc D. Hauser, author of the highly acclaimed book, Wild Minds, What Animals Really Think, talks about the rituals of human courtship.

Connecting with Your Kids at Any Age

Attachment research tends to focus on birth-18 months, but you can bond with your kids at any age.

Love’s Antechamber

 Your browser does not support the video tag. Elizabeth Gilbert describes infatuation as "love’s antechamber, a place where you wait to see if you will proceed onto love".

Your Friends’ Friends Can Make You Happy

Your browser does not support the video tag. Dr. Nicholas Christakis, who studies the mathematical, social, and genetic determinants of social network structure, explains how happiness flows one person to another.

Lessons From My Father

“Everything in moderation, including moderation.” --Oscar Wilde, Irish writer and poet

Happiness exercise: How to make people love you

People Will Like You: Active Listening

If you’re read psychology books, you’ve likely heard of the term “active listening.”  And it probably means something along these lines to you:

Mary: “I had a really good day at the office today.  It seemed that everything was going right.  I even got complimented by my boss.”
Nancy (active listening, echoing back what she just heard): “It sounds like you had a really good day at the office, and that you’re enjoying remembering it.”

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