The Visitor

Aeschylus wrote: “What is there more kindly than the feeling between host and guest?”

Racing Hearts

Your browser does not support the video tag. Dr. Art Aron, an expert on relationships, social cognition, and social neuroscience, recounts the findings of his famous “Capilano Bridge experiment”. This experiment demonstrated that a person’s feelings of attraction are more intense in situations of danger.

Carin Goldstein

Carin Goldstein is a wife, a mother, and a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with over 10 years of experience in helping people to improve the quality of their lives. After a previous career in the entertainment world, Carin received her masters degree in Clinical Psychology and then continued her professional training at the renown Maple Center in Beverly Hills as well as working for various family clinics throughout Los Angeles.

The Birth of Attachment Theory

John Bowlby began his clinical observations of attachment behavior in the 1960s while working in a home for maladjusted boys.

Do You Correct Your Partner in Public?

Corrections couples make of each other may be conscious or unconscious, controlling, competitive, playful, mutual or invited.

Believe True Love Can Come at Any Age

One of the most important parts of the journey to finding true love is faith.

Bette Alkazian, CPC, LMFT

Bette Levy Alkazian is family therapist, parent coach, author and speaker based in Southern California. She has written two books on parenting: Potty Learning: The Do’s, Don’ts and the Oops of Poops. (You’ve got to love that title!) and Parenting Backwards: Raising our kids to become fabulous adults by looking forward and working backwards. She also runs the website

The Relationships Behind The Healing

Local hospitals use the network of relationships to continue their focus on providing care to the community.

Kathy Morelli

Kathy specializes in helping women cope with prenatal and postpartum anxiety and depression. For thirteen years, she has worked with pregnant moms, helping them manage their feelings about pregnancy, birth, and postpartum depression. Kathy has a family centered focus, helping couples find their way as new parents with their new baby, and helping couples sort out feelings and practicalities about their relationship. Her professional training and life experiences make her familiar with the challenges in the lives of women and their families. These include how...

Like Oil and Water

A few weeks ago my blog post explored a snippet of my dissertation research.

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