Just Doing What We Do

Stating, “Behind our brave service men and women, there are family members and loved

The Doctor/Patient Relationship

Hippocrates wrote:  “It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.” 

Pornography, Cybersex & Your Relationship

For some adults the use of pornography (which includes adult and sexually oriented DVDs and websites)

Allison Cohen, MA, MFT

Allison Cohen works to bring out couples and individuals 'best selves' by providing solutions, tools, empathy and education to alleviate the stresses of even the toughest "Life Issues." Starting her career as a Peer Counselor in college, she first pursued professional ambitions through work in mental health clinics and family centers. She quickly learned that the client is the expert on themselves, but that emotional roadblocks impeded their successes. From that point forward, she become dedicated to learning everything possible to help my clients...

The Importance of Celebration in Your Relationship

“…the cruelest thing one can do to one’s partner is to be good at fidelity but bad at celebration.”

The Rituals of Courtship

 Your browser does not support the video tag. Marc D. Hauser, author of the highly acclaimed book, Wild Minds, What Animals Really Think, talks about the rituals of human courtship.

Samantha Madhosingh, Psy.D.

Samantha Madhosingh, Psy.D. is a clinical psychologist and professional coach with expertise in child development, family issues, parenting, and trauma. She has a private practice in Washington, DC and Northern Virginia providing an array of therapeutic services to adults, children, adolescents and families. Dr. Madhosingh has worked in multiple mental health care settings, including as an administrator at a psychiatric hospital, a clinical administrator for a mental health agency, and as a clinical psychologist in a school. She has served as an adjunct faculty...

The Three R’s: Realization, Relationships, and Roots

"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle

Love’s Antechamber

 Your browser does not support the video tag. Elizabeth Gilbert describes infatuation as "love’s antechamber, a place where you wait to see if you will proceed onto love".

Dreaming of Some Sibling Revelry

What's my ideal relationship with my sister? We’ll be friends because we want to be, not because we have to be.

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