Overeating: Understanding and Taking Back Control

Overeating is a common and complex behavior in this culture. Do you know why you overeat?

Addicted to Living

"You will recognize your own path when you come upon it, because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need."

Eating Disorders in the Midst

As I watched This Emotional Life , I found myself overwhelmed with many emotional challenges people face and the numerous mental health diagnoses that seem on the rise.

Sporting Recovery: The Caretaker Mentality

You were  … “ I hate that word, were. Whenever I hear the phrase, 'you were...,'

Sparrow vs. Vulture: Finding Your Support Structure

“I could care less if you love or hate me. I’m way past that. I’m asking that you respect me as a human being, anyway.”

Troy Roness

Troy is a twenty-three year old male exercise/eating disorder survivor and advocate originally from North Dakota. It wasn't until he was nearly twenty years of age he realized his exercise habits and eating patterns had completely taken control of his life. Following his guest appearance on the 'Dr. Phil Show' in January 2009, Troy entered a residential eating disorder facility for an 81-day treatment regimine. After his return home, Troy realized he hadn't conquered all of the inner demons that had subconciously robbed him...

Lynn Grefe

Lynn Grefe's professional career has centered on issues, advocacy and solutions, using communication tools at every level. She has worked for state government in the criminal justice system; the private sector for a variety of corporate and non-profit clients on legislative and policy issues; moved into the non-profit political arena for women's reproductive health issues for eight years; and, in 2003 was named Chief Executive Officer of the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA). In her current position as C.E.O.,Ms. Grefe is charged with growing NEDA...

Imperfection? Yes, please!

For lack of a better phrase, “It’s okay not to be okay.”

An Open Book: Letting Recovery Become Reality

"We've got to approach that problem or boulder in our lives, acknowledge its existence and realize it's not worth trying to carry it in moving forward. We need to find the tools life offers us, utilize their purpose, and break through."

Drew Westen, Ph.D.

Dr. Westen received his B.A. at Harvard University, an M.A. in Social and Political Thought at the University of Sussex (England), and his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the University of Michigan, where he subsequently taught for six years. For several years he was Chief Psychologist at Cambridge Hospital and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. His major areas of research are personality disorders, eating disorders, psychotherapy effectiveness, adolescent psychopathology, political psychology, and the interface of psychodynamics and neuroscience. Dr. Westen is the author of...

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