Home Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders

Overeating: Understanding and Taking Back Control

Overeating is a common and complex behavior in this culture. Do you know why you overeat?

Don’t Wait Until Heaven: Find Your Five People Now

I’ve never seen the film, “The Five People You Meet in Heaven,” but I’ve heard remarkable reviews on the

I’m ‘BLEEPING’ Tired!

Be compassionate, share you story and be sure to turn your passion, exhaustion, and frustration into action.

Meet Megan, Debbie, & Bob

Whatever the form an eating disorder takes, the ulimate sacrifice is the same.

Who Would’ve Thought?!

I recently received wonderful validation regarding maintaining a healthy balance in life.

Troy Roness

Troy is a twenty-three year old male exercise/eating disorder survivor and advocate originally from North Dakota. It wasn't until he was nearly twenty years of age he realized his exercise habits and eating patterns had completely taken control of his life. Following his guest appearance on the 'Dr. Phil Show' in January 2009, Troy entered a residential eating disorder facility for an 81-day treatment regimine. After his return home, Troy realized he hadn't conquered all of the inner demons that had subconciously robbed him...

Imperfection? Yes, please!

For lack of a better phrase, “It’s okay not to be okay.”

Accepting Things I Cannot Change & Channeling Temporary Defeat

Life, reality, recovery and other seemingly “no-brainers” more often than not find a way to stop our progress.

It’s No Choice: I’m Not Who I Was

Don’t base life on someone else’s standards, viewpoints, or expectations. You are you.

Sparrow vs. Vulture: Finding Your Support Structure

“I could care less if you love or hate me. I’m way past that. I’m asking that you respect me as a human being, anyway.”

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