Not your grandfather’s depression

My grandfather was a caricature of the stolid working-class, blue-collar, hard-scrabble miner whose parents came to this country with virtually nothing.

Sadness and Depression

Sadness is one of the cardinal negative emotions.

Therese Borchard

Therese J. Borchard is Associate Editor at Psych Central, where she regularly contributes to World of Psychology. She also writes the daily blog, Beyond Blue, on Beliefnet and blogs for Therese is the author of Beyond Blue: Surviving Depression & Anxiety and Making the Most of Bad Genes and The Pocket Therapist: An Emotional Survival Kit. Subscribe to her Psych Central RSS feed, Beliefnet feed, or Blisstree feed. Visit her website or follow her on Twitter @thereseborchard.

Do You Have Baby Blues Or Postpartum Depression?

There are two major ways to tell the difference...

Mental Ophthalmology

This post is one extended metaphor and may illicit a strong “yes I get it, move on” reaction. Proceed with caution.

Depression During Life Transitions

It's okay to feel depressed after a big change in your life.

Suicide Risk and Prevention Across Generations

Suicide ranks as the eleventh leading cause of death in the United States.

Is Your Kid Feeling Down In The Dumps?

Here are 5 ways to get your children talking so you can understand what's going on.

Dr. Paula Bloom

Dr. Bloom, is a practicing clinical psychologist, speaker, and frequent contributor to CNN. Through her training and work on suicide hotlines, community mental health centers, and medical and psychiatric units, Dr. Bloom quickly realized that she knew far more about mental illness than mental health. Her focus has now shifted to helping individuals struggling with psychiatric conditions such as anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder to go beyond their diagnosis and find a greater sense of productivity, purpose, and meaning in their lives. Dr. Bloom...

7 Depression Busters for Men

In Spring 2006 the depression of two very successful men made newspaper headlines in Maryland:

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