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People have long known that humor is powerful and have made claims for laughter as a cure-all.

Research has shown that, while there is little evidence that it cures disease, there is plenty of evidence that it dispels negative emotions, increases well-being, enhances interpersonal relationships, and reduces pain. Humor does indeed seem to be one of the most powerful positive emotions.

Blog, Articles & Videos


Podcast: Our Take on Gun Violence and Mental Illness

"They say, well, something's got to be wrong with you if you shoot a bunch of people. Yeah, I am…

Podcast: Packing for a Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital Stay

"Isn't a pool cue like extremely dangerous in the psych ward? Like, you can't have any hooks on the walls.…

Podcast: Crazy Outtakes from the Edge (The Bonus Episode)

"Gabe & Michelle are mentally ill and crazy. It's a rare combination." ~Lisa Kiner Bonus episode filled with outtakes and…

Podcast: One of us Was Naked! Truth or Lie?

"I zone out on a train and I talk to myself on the trains and I was out of it…

Podcast: Moving Past Depression (and Other Musings)

Why don't we ever talk about how despite our best efforts, we are depressed? Now, let's figure out how to…

Podcast: To Therapy or Not to Therapy?

"PeopleĀ don't want to see a therapist because they think that means they're crazy. But, who decided that?" ~Gabe Howard Today,…

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