First Deployment

Let me say at the outset that it’s my wife of 17 years, Katie, who is going to Afghanistan.  She joined the Navy Reserves right out of high school in 1985 and other than a few years during Law School, she’s been in the whole time.  Last year she was promoted to Chief Petty Officer which I have since learned is no small achievement.  Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew there was a chance she might get mobilized but when it actually happened I was

Eat, Pray, Love Couchsurfing on a Shoestring!

Last Wednesday I attended an open house to learn more about the University of Santa Monica Spiritual Psychology Master's Program (USM).

Dr. Phil McGraw

Dr. Phil McGraw has galvanized millions of people to "get real" about their own behavior and create more positive lives. On his daily, one-hour TV show, Dr. Phil, he meets with guests to help solve their problems by stripping away their emotional clutter and providing them with the tools they need to move confidently ahead in their lives. Dr. Phil is also the author of six #1 New York Times best sellers, which include Life Strategies: Doing What Works, Doing What Matters; Relationship Rescue: A Seven-Step Strategy for Reconnecting with...

Suffering: The Irritant That Produces the Pearl

Suffering is the rubble on which success is built.

Lynda Klau, Ph.D.

For over two decades, Dr. Lynda Klau has applied her integrative approach to mind, body and spirit as a licensed psychologist and a business and personal coach. Through her company Life Unlimited: The Center For Human Possibility, she works nationally and internationally, and appears on radio and television, as an educator, author, public speaker, and workshop leader, helping to facilitate growth and transformation for individuals, couples, teams, and organizations. Her work is informed by the latest developments in mindfulness research, neuroscience, guided imagery, spirituality, the...

Excising the Fear From Surgery

“He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life.” – Ralph

Don’t Ask Why: Prepare for the Reason

“Instead of constantly asking why things have happened in my life; I’ve come to the conclusion that the best way to find out is to gradually admit I may never know.”

James Pennebaker Ph.D.

Most of Dr. Pennebaker’s current research deals with the nature of language and social processes. Beginning over 20 years ago, he discovered that if people were asked to write about emotional upheavals in their lives, their physical and mental health improved. This resulted in a separate research project that explored how words can both reflect and influence underlying feelings, thoughts, personality, and behavioral tendencies. In the last few years, Dr. Pennebaker and his students have developed a text analysis program, LIWC, that has allowed them...

7 Good Reasons To Cry Your Eyes Out

New York Times reporter Benedict Carey referred to tears in a recent piece as “emotional perspiration.”

Behind the scenes with Dr. Phil

 Your browser does not support the video tag. Dr. Phil, a clinical psychologist, with the second-highest-rated daytime talk show on TV, speaks with Dan Gilbert in this behind-the-scenes look at America’s most popular TV psychologist. The two discuss the limits and extent of personal responsibility each of us has in our emotional lives.

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