How Parents Can Prevent Depression After Divorce

Provide yourself and your children with support using these 8 important tips.

Like Oil and Water

A few weeks ago my blog post explored a snippet of my dissertation research.

Eat, Pray, Love…and Relax

Elizabeth Gilbert, the best-selling author of the book, Eat, Pray, Love, talks about why divorce produces such a high level of stress, how she discovered her own pathways to happiness, and why we must stand firm against the river of forces of stress in modern life.

Maureen Healy, MA, MBA

Maureen Healy believes in happiness - happiness that is caused. With more than 20 years of experience, she has guided children and parents around the globe on the how of happiness. Unique about Maureen is her seamless ability to weave modern psychology with ancient wisdom to cause happiness in parents and kids. Her organization, Growing Happy Kids, was born out of her global travels and deep wish to help more kids become happier. With a background in psychology, Maureen works closely with parents as well...

Dancing in the Dark: Reclaiming Sexual Desire in Your Relationship

It takes more than just showing up to reclaim or renew a good sexual relationship.

How Your Self-Esteem Impacts Relationships

Self-esteem colors not only a person’s perception of self but impacts expectations of the partner.

Defrosting the chicken, pursuing the dream

What would scientists learn about your family if they camped out in your home for a few days?  Turns out the answer is not so obvious.

Bette Alkazian, CPC, LMFT

Bette Levy Alkazian is family therapist, parent coach, author and speaker based in Southern California. She has written two books on parenting: Potty Learning: The Do’s, Don’ts and the Oops of Poops. (You’ve got to love that title!) and Parenting Backwards: Raising our kids to become fabulous adults by looking forward and working backwards. She also runs the website

Not-So Personal Relationships

But these days, we all seem to have forgotten how to treat our fellow humans with kindness.

Vivian Greentree

Vivian is married to a Naval Flight Officer, who recently returned from a Global War on Terrorism Support Assignment (GSA) in Iraq. She is pursuing her Ph.D. in public administration and writes for several military outlets because she enjoys employing her interest in public policy with issues near and dear to her heart while connecting with other military families across the country. She feels that both the civilian and military communities are stronger when they work together. She and her husband have two little...

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