9 Lessons for Caregivers Through Serious Illness

The late thirties and early forties can be the most stressful time of a person's life if they are caring for their parents while raising children of their own.

Many Acquaintances, Few True Friends

I’m challenging myself to let my guard down and be open to new friendships.

Ben Dattner, Ph.D.

Dr. Dattner is an organizational psychologist and workplace consultant. He essentially applies psychotherapy to the workplace, helping individuals and organizations to do their job better. His consulting services enable organizations to make better hiring and staffing decisions, enhance the professional capabilities of managers and employees, configure teams more effectively, and reduce the amount of interpersonal and intergroup conflict. Dr. Dattner received a B.A. in Psychology from Harvard College, and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from New York University. He is an...

David Buss, Ph.D.

Dr. Buss conducts research on strategies of human mating, sexual jealousy, sexual motivation, conflict between the sexes, sexual predators, stalking, and motives for murder. Dr. Buss received his doctorate from the University of California at Berkeley, and has taught at Harvard University and the University of Michigan. He has authored roughly 300 scientific papers, as well as six books. He is editor of the Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, and is one of the most widely cited psychologists worldwide. Among his most well-cited books are The Evolution...

Defrosting the chicken, pursuing the dream

What would scientists learn about your family if they camped out in your home for a few days?  Turns out the answer is not so obvious.

What are Parents Really Juggling?

A parent’s love for a child surely is one of nature’s great treasures.

The Birth of Attachment Theory

John Bowlby began his clinical observations of attachment behavior in the 1960s while working in a home for maladjusted boys.

Porcupine Love

 Your browser does not support the video tag. Elizabeth Gilbert on relationships

How A Secure Relationship Can Help Your Depression

Relationships with a depressed partner are often characterized by negative communication, blame, withdrawal, irritability...

Rona Subotnik, LMFT, MA

Rona Subotnik received her M.A. in Counseling from Trinity College in Washington, D.C. in 1983. Since then, she has become a premiere counselor for the last 25 years focusing on coping with infidelity. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist and a clinical member of both the California and American Associations of Marriage and Family Therapists. Outside of her practice, Subotnik has made many radio appearances across the United States, Canada and Radio Free Europe. She is a monthly columnist for www.here2Listen.com, the former e-magazine...

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