Connecting with Your Kids at Any Age
Attachment research tends to focus on birth-18 months, but you can bond with your kids at any age.
7 Good Reasons To Cry Your Eyes Out
New York Times reporter Benedict Carey referred to tears in a recent piece as “emotional perspiration.”
Connecting with Baby Before Birth
Ubiquitous prenatal gadgets tempt pregnant women at every turn as the market is saturated with ever-changing options for mommy, daddy, and baby.
Deployment Diary: Who Are You Calling Dependent?
The term “military dependent” is no longer used in polite military society, replaced not so long ago by the far more PC “family member”.
Confessions of a Spiritual Rookie: How Comfortable are YOU Naked?
In the past year I have had two specific opportunities to test how comfortable I am naked in public. On a scale of “1-10”, “1”
The Tap Code (NEW)
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Bob Shumaker describes the Tap Code he developed as a POW.
Attachment, Motherhood, and Mental Health
This is an interview conducted with Dr. Jessica Zucker by Therese J. Borchard of Beyond Blue.
The Loneliness Alarm
Dr. John Cacioppo, who studies loneliness and social isolation, explains that loneliness is connected to mental and physical disorders.
You can’t buy happiness
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America Ferrara, the star of the hit TV series Ugly Betty, shares a personal story about the isolation she felt in the early days of her acting career.