I Am Broken Leg

If you had a broken leg how would you tell someone? Would it be “I AM broken leg” or “I HAVE a broken leg”? Unless you are a caveman it would likely be the latter.

Dr. Paula Bloom

Dr. Bloom, is a practicing clinical psychologist, speaker, and frequent contributor to CNN. Through her training and work on suicide hotlines, community mental health centers, and medical and psychiatric units, Dr. Bloom quickly realized that she knew far more about mental illness than mental health. Her focus has now shifted to helping individuals struggling with psychiatric conditions such as anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder to go beyond their diagnosis and find a greater sense of productivity, purpose, and meaning in their lives. Dr. Bloom...

Telephone therapy benefits depression

Imagine a treatment that was so powerful and useful, it could even be delivered by the telephone.

How to find affordable psychotherapy

Finding affordable psychotherapy can sometimes seem like an oxymoron.

What’s the difference between depression and manic depression?

Sometimes people are confused about the differences between clinical depression and manic depression.

Eric Youngstrom Ph.D.

Dr. Youngstrom is a Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he is also the Associate Director of the Center for Excellence in Research and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder. He earned his doctorate in clinical psychology at the University of Delaware. Dr. Youngstrom is a licensed psychologist who specializes in the relationship of emotions and psychopathology, and the clinical assessment of children and families. He teaches courses on assessment and therapy, developmental psychopathology, research design, and multivariate...

Stephen Hinshaw Ph.D.

Dr. Hinshaw received his B.A. in Psychology and Social Relations from Harvard (summa cum laude) and his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from UCLA in 1983. He was a postdoctoral fellow at UC San Francisco and, after teaching at UCLA, joined the Berkeley faculty in 1990. An expert in developmental psychopathology and the stigmatization of mental illness, he has particular expertise in causal and maintaining factors for child and adolescent mental disorders, clinical trials, and longitudinal investigations. Dr. Hinshaw has published over 200 articles, chapters, and...

David Mrazek M.D.

Dr. David Mrazek has been Chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychology at Mayo Clinic since September of 2000. His specialty is in the area of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; however his research interests and publications cover a broad range of psychiatric illnesses that occur in patients of all ages. Most recently Dr. Mrazek has begun several new research initiatives in genomics. He has collaborated with other investigators in studying various links between genomic variability and psychiatric illnesses such as depression, bipolar illness,...

Podcast: 2 Truths, 1 Bipolar, 1 Schizophrenic, and a Lie

"It's called two truths and a lie. It's called A Bipolar, a Schizophrenic, and a Podcast. It's not called blow sunshine up your ass and make you feel better." ~Gabe Howard Season two episode one brings back fan favorite Two truths and a lie where Gabe and Michelle each tell three stories about their experiences with mental illness and try to figure out which one is just made up. Plus, they announce a home version of the game for you to play -- and you can...

Podcast: Trauma and Mental Illness

"I believe like 99.9999% Of people have experienced some type of trauma. You think you haven't. The statistics say that not everybody has, but I disagree with that. Everyone's experienced some type of trauma. ~Michelle Hammer People with mental illness have almost certainly experienced trauma -- whether they are aware of it or not. Having a life-long serious illness like bipolar disorder, depression, or schizophrenia, can be traumatic. In this episode, Gabe and Michelle share their personal trauma stories and discuss why people think that only people...

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