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Zen Bite: Why Zen?

People often ask “Why Zen?  Is it relevant in today’s world?”

How is Simon Cowell the Key to Better Relationships?

Hi, my name is Paula and I like American Idol.

Protecting Teens in Crisis: Constructive Oversight of Programs

One of the greatest challenges facing the struggling teen industry is the lack of conscientious, constructive, and sustained oversight at regular intervals by external organizations.

Deployment Diary: Deploy, Redeploy, Repeat.

It was a simple enough question.

5 Lessons I Learned From My Vacuum Cleaner

Wisdom comes to us in many different ways.

Facing Family Patterns: The Truth Behind Eating Disorders

Carl cringed, hearing the raised voices through the front door as he approached the house.

“A Beautiful Ego”

Working in beauty with Clark’s Botanicals, most peoples’ concerns I encounter are with aging, losing that vitality we all had when we were nineteen or twenty, but keeping all of what we’ve learned since then.

Abuses in Programs for Struggling Teens: The Legacy of Scandal

Most programs and schools for struggling teens are run professionally and are reputable.

What “The Hurt Locker” Got Right

Much to the confusion of those who have not experienced combat--- parents and spouses, siblings and friends-- many young people say that ‘going to war’ was one of the best things that ever happened to them.

Embracing a Strengths Perspective

Since the advent of efforts in the 1800s to intervene with struggling teens and their families, we have learned a great deal about what to do—and what not to do—to be helpful.

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