Catherine Ewing, LCSW, MDiv, MSW

A lifelong seeker and learner, over the last 30 years Catherine Ewing has studied to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Ordained Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, Certified Dream Coach and Dream Coach Group Leader, Passion Test Facilitator, Reiki Master Teacher and Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner. She has also studied other energy healing modalities and personal transformation programs. Related Links Personal website

Andrea Mathews, LPC, NCC

Andrea Mathews is an author, psychotherapist, corporate trainer, and motivational and inspirational speaker. She has over 30 years of experience in the mental health field, the last 14 of those in a thriving private practice, providing Transpersonal Therapy and Cognitive Therapy to individuals and couples on a variety of issues. Cognitive Therapy is an approach in which one works with thoughts, self-talk and beliefs to change patterns that are not working and develop new ways of interacting with self and others. Transpersonal Therapy assists...

Navigating Life’s Big Changes With Ease

Making the changes in your life work for you.

Deborah Roth, MA, PCC

Deborah Roth is a Spiritual Whole Life Coach who works primarily with overwhelmed, under-nurtured women (and a few good men), guiding them through life and career transitions so that they can make big changes in their lives and a lasting difference in the world. She offers powerful, structured programs for groups and individuals, and speaks, teaches, and writes on the subjects of women’s empowerment, radical self-care, conscious relationships, and managing life’s big changes. In addition, as a licensed Inter-faith Minister, she creates unique, powerful wedding...

Using Mindfulness To Alter Your Mood

The mindfulness technique can help eliminate your symptoms of depression.

Vickie Chang, Ph.D.

Dr. Vickie Chang is an integrative therapist with extensive training in cognitive behavioral and psychodynamic approaches to treatment. Cognitive behavioral therapy works on identifying critical thoughts about yourself that can interfere with how you feel and behave. In therapy Chang practice ways to challenge these thoughts and to develop more supportive ways of relating to yourself. The behavioral aspect of this treatment focuses on changing behaviors to improve well-being, for instance through taking care of your body or learning to be assertive. Psychodyamic therapy...

Dr. Marjorie Rand, LMPF, PhD.

Dr. Marjorie Rand is a licensed Marriage, Family and Child therapist in three states and has been practicing psychotherapy for 35 years. She has also taught graduate level psychology and trained professional psychotherapists in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Israel. Dr. Rand specializes in marriage counseling, developmental psychology, pre and perinatal psychology (pregnancy, birth and bonding) and family therapy. Dr. Rand is the author of three books, many published articles, and is a founding member of the United States Association of Body Psychotherapy. She...

“Letting It All Go: One Step Closer To Me”

Each morning brings with it the turning of a page in the book of our existence.

Zen Bite: You!

So who are "you" anyway?

Zen Bite: Taming the Bull

Just over 60 years ago, there was almost no mention of meditation in Western popular culture except in the most

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