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Pleased to Meet Me

Have you ever stopped to wonder whether the statements you make about yourself are true?

Sex on Antidepressants

Awhile back a reader asked me if I’d cover the topic of intimacy complications with regard to antidepressants.

Confessions of a Spiritual Rookie: How Comfortable are YOU Naked?

In the past year I have had two specific opportunities to test how comfortable I am naked in public. On a scale of “1-10”, “1”

Sporting Recovery: The Caretaker Mentality

You were  … “ I hate that word, were. Whenever I hear the phrase, 'you were...,'

Programs for Struggling Teens: Ideal Features- Part II

The professional literature on adolescent development and programs for struggling teens suggests that, ideally, programs should have a number of key features. 

First Deployment

Let me say at the outset that it’s my wife of 17 years, Katie, who is going to Afghanistan.  She joined the Navy Reserves right out of high school in 1985 and other than a few years during Law School, she’s been in the whole time.  Last year she was promoted to Chief Petty Officer which I have since learned is no small achievement.  Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew there was a chance she might get mobilized but when it actually happened I was

Attachment, Parenting and Childhood Mental Illnesses

Mother’s Day celebrations bring to mind the centrality of attachment as an important topic for anyone studying human emotion.

A “Little Thing” (Very Little) That Makes Me Happy: the Gift...

Samuel Johnson wrote, “It is by studying little things that we attain the great art of having as little misery, and as much happiness as possible," and I’m often struck by how much happiness I get from small, seemingly trivial aspects of my life.

How Can Facebook Help the Bereaved?

As a psychologist I'm often asked about what I think of social media.

Life Time, Not Gym Time

Eight months into recovery and you find yourself, in so many ways, so much farther ahead than ever before.

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