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Zen Bite: Weird Enlightenment

When people find out that I am a Zen Buddhist priest they often say, "Cool, man, you need to meet my friend -- he's a hippie too."

Imagine That!

Take a moment to think of something you’re really looking forward to: an event, a vacation, a visit.

How Early Experiences Impact Your Emotional and Physical Health as an...

In many people’s lives or careers there is one event that stops them in their tracks, forever changing their view of a critical issue. 

7 Depression Busters for Men

In Spring 2006 the depression of two very successful men made newspaper headlines in Maryland:

Who Would’ve Thought?!

I recently received wonderful validation regarding maintaining a healthy balance in life.

The Benchmarks of Caring

A student of mine recently asked me why I care so much about young people.

From Miracles to the Miraculous

Saint Augustine wrote:  “Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.”

They Walk Among Us

Since the word spread about Katie’s deployment, I have developed a new awareness. 

Programs for Struggling Teens: Ideal Features- Part IV

The professional literature on adolescent development and programs for struggling teens suggests that, ideally, programs should have a number of key features. 

24: Birthday Celebration? Or Counter-ED Operation?

It was really hard for me, although I liked the fact that I was losing weight, I hated who I was.

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