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Stress and Anxiety

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Everyone knows what someone means when they say they are "stressed out.” But what is stress itself?

Stress is your body’s response to anything that disrupts your normal life and routines. The causes of stress can be everyday events and changes, such as relationships, work, money, and difficult decisions. They can also be traumatic events, such as the death of a loved one, natural disasters, and trauma. The good news is that people are resilient. We can recognize stress as a natural response to changes and challenges, and we can learn how best to respond to these cues when managing stress.

Blog, Articles & Videos


Medicine by the Numbers

“If you want to inspire confidence, give plenty of statistics. It does not matter that they should be accurate, or even intelligible, as long as there is enough of them.”

What are Parents Really Juggling?

A parent’s love for a child surely is one of nature’s great treasures.

My Illness is Not My Identity

I was asked by Diana Keough of ShareWIK.com to write about the topic of living with bipolar without letting my mood disorder define me.

Understanding What Matters

My wife had to leave for 3 weeks specialized training and it gave me a taste of what life will be like during her deployment. 

Which Conflicts Consume Couples the Most?

According to one widely-held view on couple relationships, how you argue is far more important than what you happen to be arguing about.


Shopping for stress

 Your browser does not support the video tag. Dr. Peter Whybrow, Director of the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA,...

Positive and negative stress

 Your browser does not support the video tag. Neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky explains that stress in the form of stimulation is a positive force...

Understanding stress

Dr. Bruce McEwen, Director, Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology at Rockefeller University, answers the questions, What is stress? Does stress harm the brain? and, What...

Eat, Pray, Love…and Relax

Elizabeth Gilbert, the best-selling author of the book, Eat, Pray, Love, talks about why divorce produces such a high level of stress, how she...

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