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Eating Disorders

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Eating disorders are psychologically based conditions in which food and weight obsessions become the central focus of one's life.

Eating disorders go beyond the drive to be thin. There are many factors that play into the development of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Central to eating disorders is often a harsh, distorted, highly critical attitude about body image and weight. Eating disorders impact anyone, regardless of age, gender, race, social or economic background, or education.

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Sporting Recovery: The Caretaker Mentality

You were  … “ I hate that word, were. Whenever I hear the phrase, ‘you were…,’

Life Time, Not Gym Time

Eight months into recovery and you find yourself, in so many ways, so much farther ahead than ever before.

Meet Megan, Debbie, & Bob

Whatever the form an eating disorder takes, the ulimate sacrifice is the same.

Facing Family Patterns: The Truth Behind Eating Disorders

Carl cringed, hearing the raised voices through the front door as he approached the house.

Body Mass Confusion

On the heels of fashion week comes National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, February 21-27.. That certainly sounds like a contradiction, one week beautiful fashions hung, in most cases, on extremely beautiful but overly thin women and teens.

“I’m just coping in my own way”

My chosen profession as a psychotherapist allows me to take many interesting journeys with my clients.

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