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People who are depressed can't just "snap out of it." Depression is illness that at least 17 million Americans experience each year.

There are many factors that contribute to depression, including genes, family history, and brain chemistry. Researchers continue to explore its precise causes, and they are finding mounting evidence that certain changes in the brain may enter into the complex mix of what causes depression. What is conclusively known is that depression is not a moral or emotional failing. It is a treatable illness.

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Depression’s Secret Plan For Your Identity

We’ve all come to know the experience of the blues, being down, heartbreak, disappointment, sadness, or what some might even call depression.

3 Types Of Depression: Which One Rings True For You?

How to tell whether your depression will pass on its own or if you require professional assistance.

Marriage and Midlife Crisis: A Journey of Challenge and Transition

There are over 81 million baby boomers in this country, together navigating the mid-life transition.

Acceptance: Finding The Gift In Depression

What acceptance can give us that bargaining won’t.

Healing From Infidelity and Depression

Read how one couple lived through the pain and came out better on the other side.

Depression During Life Transitions

It’s okay to feel depressed after a big change in your life.

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