James Pennebaker Ph.D.

Most of Dr. Pennebaker’s current research deals with the nature of language and social processes. Beginning over 20 years ago, he discovered that if people were asked to write about emotional upheavals in their lives, their physical and mental health improved. This resulted in a separate research project that explored how words can both reflect and influence underlying feelings, thoughts, personality, and behavioral tendencies. In the last few years, Dr. Pennebaker and his students have developed a text analysis program, LIWC, that has allowed them...

Why It’s Important To Listen To Your Intuition

Resort to your instincts to overcome life's big obstacles.

Operation Marriage: The Unbearable Absence of Smelling

There’s this gross thing I do a few weeks before my husband deploys: I steal his dirty t-shirts.

12 Ways to Mend a Broken Heart

"The pain that comes from deep love makes your love ever more fruitful.”

Troy Roness

Troy is a twenty-three year old male exercise/eating disorder survivor and advocate originally from North Dakota. It wasn't until he was nearly twenty years of age he realized his exercise habits and eating patterns had completely taken control of his life. Following his guest appearance on the 'Dr. Phil Show' in January 2009, Troy entered a residential eating disorder facility for an 81-day treatment regimine. After his return home, Troy realized he hadn't conquered all of the inner demons that had subconciously robbed him...

Just Doing What We Do

Stating, “Behind our brave service men and women, there are family members and loved

Podcast: To Therapy or Not to Therapy?

"People don't want to see a therapist because they think that means they're crazy. But, who decided that?" ~Gabe Howard Today, we discuss the pros and cons of therapy. What it is, why it works, why it doesn't work, and every tangent in between. Spoiler Alert: One host loves therapy and the other host doesn't love therapy. Listen in now. This podcast is proudly sponsored by Betterhelp. Save 10% on your first month with the discount code "BSP22" or by clicking here. About the Hosts of A Bipolar, A...

Stephen Robinson

Steve Robinson is a retired Non-Commissioned Officer and Gulf War veteran who served twenty years in the Army.  In his final assignment, Robinson served as a briefer and analyst for the Gulf War Illnesses research effort in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, where he took a keen interest on the health effects related to the war and its impact on his fellow service members. After retiring in October 2001, he became an advocate for veterans.  He has held the position of Government Relations...

Dennis Charney, M.D.

Dr. Charney is the Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz Dean of Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Professor of Psychiatry, Neuroscience, and Pharmacology & Systems Therapeutics, and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs of the Mount Sinai Medical Center. Dr. Charney retains an active research program and is one of the nation's foremost investigators in the neurobiology and treatment of mood and anxiety disorders. He has pioneered research related to the psychobiological mechanisms of depression, anxiety, and human resilience to stress, and the discovery of novel...

John Norcross, Ph.D.

Dr. Norcross is a Professor of Psychology and a Distinguished University Fellow. He conducts research on self-help resources and psychotherapy. The central goal of his work is to understand how people change their behavior with and without professional treatment. That research also entails understanding which self-help and psychotherapy methods do not work – that is, ineffective or discredited practices. Dr. Norcross trained at Rutgers University, University of Rhode Island, and Brown University School of Medicine. He has published more than 300 articles and 17 books,...

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