5 Lessons I Learned From My Vacuum Cleaner

Wisdom comes to us in many different ways.

“A Beautiful Ego”

Working in beauty with Clark’s Botanicals, most peoples’ concerns I encounter are with aging, losing that vitality we all had when we were nineteen or twenty, but keeping all of what we’ve learned since then.

My Transformation From High School Drop Out To Surgeon

The question "how I did it" has come up in my mind many times.

How I Coped With A Life Changing Accident

For me, this time of year, as for so many others, is a time of reflection of the passed year, and what is to lie ahead.

Just do it: insight, motivation and action

As I write this my father is in the ICU.

Stephen Robinson

Steve Robinson is a retired Non-Commissioned Officer and Gulf War veteran who served twenty years in the Army.  In his final assignment, Robinson served as a briefer and analyst for the Gulf War Illnesses research effort in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, where he took a keen interest on the health effects related to the war and its impact on his fellow service members. After retiring in October 2001, he became an advocate for veterans.  He has held the position of Government Relations...

I Am Broken Leg

If you had a broken leg how would you tell someone? Would it be “I AM broken leg” or “I HAVE a broken leg”? Unless you are a caveman it would likely be the latter.

Ordinary Magic

Ancient tales suggest that as long as humans have told stories, they have been intrigued with people who overcome adversity to succeed in life.

The Tap Code

Your browser does not support the video tag. Bob Shumaker, a former POW in Vietnam, describes how he and his fellow prisoners developed a social network that was crucial to their surviving three years in solitary confinement. They succeeded by creating a tap code that allowed them to communicate through their cell walls.

Transforming your pain into a gift for others

A woman I’ll call “Sasha” was referred to me by her primary care physician after her 12-year-old daughter died suddenly of unknown causes.

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