Bette Alkazian, CPC, LMFT

Bette Levy Alkazian is family therapist, parent coach, author and speaker based in Southern California. She has written two books on parenting: Potty Learning: The Do’s, Don’ts and the Oops of Poops. (You’ve got to love that title!) and Parenting Backwards: Raising our kids to become fabulous adults by looking forward and working backwards. She also runs the website

Yvonne Sinclair, LMFT, MA

Yvonne Sinclair is a licensed Marriage Family and Child Counselor in California with a Masters in Counseling Psychology. She has been counseling clients about relationships since 1993. In her private practice she sees children, families, couples, and individuals. She address most issues around relationships, healing from abuse, parenting, anger management, and many others. Additionally, Sinclair creates and facilitates retreats and workshops for couples and singles and self-help programs, including books and audiobooks. She has been teaching anger management to children, teens, and adults since 1993....

Racing Hearts

Your browser does not support the video tag. Dr. Art Aron, an expert on relationships, social cognition, and social neuroscience, recounts the findings of his famous “Capilano Bridge experiment”. This experiment demonstrated that a person’s feelings of attraction are more intense in situations of danger.

Jean Fitzpatrick, LP, MA

Jean Fitzpatrick has worked with couples and individuals in the New York area for over fifteen years. Busy New Yorkers tell her that in the midst of their hectic week, the sessions offer a peaceful, nurturing place to get in touch with their best self and find a new balance in life. Fitzpatrick has appeared on CNN, and in USA Today, the NY Daily News, and other media outlets discussing relationships, marriage and family life. Her articles have appeared in many national magazines, including Parents,...

Getting the Love You Want, Over and Over Again

What we are doing is looking for someone with the character traits of the people who raised us.

Why Divorce After 40 Years?

I’m the skeptical, jaded type who believes the passionate kiss former Vice President Al Gore and his wife Tipper exchanged in front of the Democratic National Convention

Expressing Your Love in a Sacred Marriage Ceremony

All wedding ceremonies have a rhythm, and a life, of their own.

The Visitor

Aeschylus wrote: “What is there more kindly than the feeling between host and guest?”

Caring How You Look and Caring Who You Love

“I love you but I don’t love that large Disney Sweatshirt.”

Deborah Roth, MA, PCC

Deborah Roth is a Spiritual Whole Life Coach who works primarily with overwhelmed, under-nurtured women (and a few good men), guiding them through life and career transitions so that they can make big changes in their lives and a lasting difference in the world. She offers powerful, structured programs for groups and individuals, and speaks, teaches, and writes on the subjects of women’s empowerment, radical self-care, conscious relationships, and managing life’s big changes. In addition, as a licensed Inter-faith Minister, she creates unique, powerful wedding...

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