Relationships: The Front Line of Health Care

When it comes down to it, relationships are the only real defense health care has in response to its inherent chaos.

Podcast: Is Mental Illness Trendy Now?

"Have we gone so far that the actual definition of mental illness has been lost and it has been sort of retconned to mean different?" ~Gabe Howard "Hauntingly beautiful," "ride the lightning," and even famous quotes like "we're all mad here" are often used to positively describe mental illness. It's the "every cloud has a silver lining" mentality. But is it true? Does mental illness have a positive side that is used to create things like incredible art and great literature? In this episode, our hosts...

Homecoming: Finding The Way Home From Trauma and War

On Oct 13, 2010 the 33rd Chilean miner emerged from the mine that had entrapped him

How Early Experiences Impact Your Emotional and Physical Health as an...

In many people’s lives or careers there is one event that stops them in their tracks, forever changing their view of a critical issue. 

Maureen Healy, MA, MBA

Maureen Healy believes in happiness - happiness that is caused. With more than 20 years of experience, she has guided children and parents around the globe on the how of happiness. Unique about Maureen is her seamless ability to weave modern psychology with ancient wisdom to cause happiness in parents and kids. Her organization, Growing Happy Kids, was born out of her global travels and deep wish to help more kids become happier. With a background in psychology, Maureen works closely with parents as well...

5 Tips To Escape An Abusive Relationship

If you or someone you care about is in an abusive relationship, there are ways to break away and stop the cycle of domestic violence.

Leslie Potter

Leslie Potter is the founder of Pure Joy Parenting, a joy based parenting model which supports parents in moving from a traditional fear-based model to a joy-based one focusing on relationship and healthy attachment. She is a co-author of Chaos to Connection: 9 Heart Centered Essentials for Parenting your Teen. Leslie is a Parent Coach with a background as a body centered therapist. She created the Parent Coach model at Vive a national company working with at risk teens and their parents. In 2008, she...

Thomas Bradbury, Ph.D.

Trained as a clinical psychologist at the University of Illinois, Dr. Bradbury studies how intimate relationships develop and change. His work demonstrates that change in relationship satisfaction is a product of the unique characteristics that partners bring to the relationship, how couples convey understanding and caring to one another, and the circumstances that promote and inhibit expressions of closeness. Dr. Bradbury has published more than 100 articles on marriage and the promotion of healthy relationships, with funding support from the National Institute of Child Health...

Believe True Love Can Come at Any Age

One of the most important parts of the journey to finding true love is faith.

7 Tips for Keeping School-Day Mornings Calm and Cheerful

Every Wednesday is Tip Day.

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