Podcast: Crazy Outtakes from the Edge (The Bonus Episode)

"Gabe & Michelle are mentally ill and crazy. It's a rare combination." ~Lisa Kiner Bonus episode filled with outtakes and additional information. Put together by the show's producer and editor, Lisa Kiner. Tune in if you want to learn more about how the show is made and how much work goes into the back-end. Plus, it's hilarious. This podcast is proudly sponsored by Betterhelp. Save 10% on your first month with the discount code "BSP22" or by clicking here. About the Hosts of A Bipolar, A Schizophrenic, and a...

Balancing Support and Boundaries: Navigating Mental Health Challenges in Friendship

In today’s episode, Gabe and Michelle discuss the challenges Michelle faces with her friend who exhibits erratic and aggressive behavior, likely due to untreated mental illness. Despite Michelle's continued efforts to support her friend, including texting her mom and trying to be there, she struggles with the constant verbal abuse and feels unable to help effectively. Gabe suggests setting firm boundaries and considering intervention via 988 when her friend's behavior becomes dangerous, but both recognize the difficulty and complexity of the situation. About the Hosts of A Bipolar,...

Podcast: Handling Money with Mental Illness

So it's like spend your money, have less money, get on Medicare or have more money, have no health insurance. . . It doesn't make any sense. You're stuck in an endless cycle. ~MIchelle Hammer Bipolar and schizophrenia can make handling finances challenging -- to say the least. Even famous pop stars like Britney Spears have had well documented issues managing money. In this episode, our hosts discuss some common issues, ponder some solutions, and vent about the obstacles people living with mental illness face while trying...

Podcast: Passively Suicidal: Are You Still in Recovery?

Today, Gabe and Michelle explore the nuances of navigating passive suicidal ideation within the context of long-term mental illness recovery. They highlight that occasional fleeting thoughts of suicide don't necessarily signify a regression in recovery. However, they stress the importance of addressing any inclination towards developing a plan or taking action regarding suicide immediately. They urge listeners to reach out to their support networks and seek assistance. Additionally, Gabe and Michelle reassure listeners that experiencing transient suicidal thoughts shouldn't evoke shame or suggest a failure in their recovery...

Podcast: Can Schizophrenics and Bipolars be Good Pet Owners?

In today’s episode, Gabe and Michelle talk about the positive impact their dogs, Peppy and Paisley, have on their mental health, debunking misconceptions that people with mental illness cannot be good pet owners. While Gabe's dog offers comfort during his bouts of loneliness, Michelle's dog provides a routine and socialization, though she faces criticism due to the stigma of schizophrenia.  Join us as we share more of the advantages of pet ownership on mental illness. About the Hosts of A Bipolar, A Schizophrenic, and a Podcast Gabe...

Podcast: Moving Past Depression (and Other Musings)

Why don't we ever talk about how despite our best efforts, we are depressed? Now, let's figure out how to move forward. ~Gabe Howard We've all heard the adage, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." When it comes to depression, however, this expression holds even more significance. For one thing, there is no "cure" for depression, so prevention is obviously deserving of our efforts. But how do you prevent something when you're already suffering from it? Moving forward with depression is the best most...

Podcast: Women v Men: Who Has More Stigma From Mental Illness?

Today's discussion explores the challenges men and women face in managing mental illness, examining societal expectations, medication, and support systems. What disparities exist? What similarities emerge? Who triumphs in the battle of the sexes? Michelle and Gabe also delve into the question of whether it truly matters who suffers more (spoiler alert: it doesn't) and why society perpetuates a competition of suffering. Join us for a thought-provoking conversation rooted in the timeless debate of men versus women. Listen Now! About the Hosts of A Bipolar,...

Podcast: Died From Mental Illness (CW: Suicide)

It's called suicide, but it should be called death from mental illness. We don't die from "cancer-cide", as an example. ~Gabe Howard Last summer, Michelle Hammer's friend died by suicide. In this heartfelt and vulnerable episode, Michelle discusses her emotions about her friend, including her anger and confusion. Both hosts discuss why it would be better if people saw suicide for what it really is -- death from mental illness. This podcast is proudly sponsored by Betterhelp. Save 10% on your first month with the discount code...

Podcast: Navigating Gifts, Criticism, and Friendship While Managing Mental Illness

Today, Gabe and Michelle share their insecurities and lament that they do not feel more successful. They discuss navigating their challenges, the importance of support, and working to help others through their platform despite personal struggles. Encouraging each other and their audience, they emphasize self-acceptance, perseverance, and the significance of striving for improvement in mental health advocacy. Join us as Michelle and Gabe share some of the things that inspire them. About the Hosts of A Bipolar, A Schizophrenic, and a Podcast Gabe Howard is...

Podcast: TikTok Star Kody Green Talks Schizophrenic Story Time

"I talk to people who aren't there. I'll have hallucinations pretty much on a weekly basis, even medicated." ~Kody Green, The Schizophrenic Hippie Kody Green, better known as the schizophrenic hippie, is a TikTok sensation -- among other things. But did you know that this podcast inspired him to start his channel? Our hosts were just as surprised as you. In this episode, Michelle, Gabe, and Kody discuss advocacy, hateful emails, and the benefits of putting yourself out there. Join us as two schizophrenics and a...

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