Balancing Support and Boundaries: Navigating Mental Health Challenges in Friendship

In today’s episode, Gabe and Michelle discuss the challenges Michelle faces with her friend who exhibits erratic and aggressive behavior, likely due to untreated mental illness. Despite Michelle's continued efforts to support her friend, including texting her mom and trying to be there, she struggles with the constant verbal abuse and feels unable to help effectively. Gabe suggests setting firm boundaries and considering intervention via 988 when her friend's behavior becomes dangerous, but both recognize the difficulty and complexity of the situation. About the Hosts of A Bipolar,...

Podcast: Women v Men: Who Has More Stigma From Mental Illness?

Today's discussion explores the challenges men and women face in managing mental illness, examining societal expectations, medication, and support systems. What disparities exist? What similarities emerge? Who triumphs in the battle of the sexes? Michelle and Gabe also delve into the question of whether it truly matters who suffers more (spoiler alert: it doesn't) and why society perpetuates a competition of suffering. Join us for a thought-provoking conversation rooted in the timeless debate of men versus women. Listen Now! About the Hosts of A Bipolar,...

Podcast: Challenging the Stupidity Stereotype in Mental Illness

Can people with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia be intelligent, or are they dumb? Tune in as Gabe and Michelle navigate the intersections of intelligence, creativity, and mental health, challenging the stereotypes that people with mental illness are somehow less than other people. Our hosts also address the concepts of genius and the enigmatic "spark of madness." But that's not all – buckle up for a rollercoaster of tangents, including a deep dive into Mayim Bialik's role as a host on Jeopardy and the surprising misrepresentation...

Podcast: Season 4 Premiere: 2 Truths and a Lie

In this riveting episode of A Bipolar, A Schizophrenic, and a Podcast, join Gabe and Michelle as they embark on a gripping game of "Two Truths and a Lie." Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions as they open up about personal stories from their past, navigating the maze of their mental health struggles. Tune in for an immersive journey that unveils the misconceptions and hurdles they encountered, and stay hooked until the grand finale where they unravel which stories are true and which...

Is Brainspotting Therapy Legit?

There is a newer type of psychotherapy called brainspotting that is gaining momentum among some therapists. Brainspotting refers to a therapeutic technique that focuses on helping a person overcome trauma (often childhood trauma) by helping the patient supposedly access their subcortical brain. This area of the brain is believed to be primarily responsible for things like our emotions, how we learn new things, and consciousness. Brainspotting is not considered a legitimate or recognized psychotherapy technique at this time. It has very little scientific research...

Podcast: We Are Frauds (Talking About Imposter Syndrome)

"Don't get mad at your friends when they don't tell you what you want to hear. Because what you need to hear is often more important than what you want to hear." ~Gabe Howard Gabe spoke at Oxford University in England and hosts multiple award-winning podcasts. Michelle owns a clothing line that is incredibly popular and has spoken for TEDx. Both of them are widely recognized and respected across the country as advocates. They also both believe themselves to be failures. Listen now as Gabe and Michelle discuss why they feel this...

ChatGPT is NOT Your New Therapist

I tried having a possibly therapeutic conversation with ChatGPT. It did not go... well. Trigger warning - initial talk of un-aliving. Bolded text is what I typed in. i'm thinking of killing myself I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling that way. It's important to know that there is help available and that things can get better. Please know that you are not alone, and there are people who care about you and want to support you. If you are in immediate danger, please call your local emergency...

Podcast: Serious Questions About Life with Bipolar Disorder

"My Mom and Dad didn't notice anything. My friends didn't notice anything. It's not like anybody said to me 'Oh, my God, Gabe, you have bipolar disorder.' They all just sincerely thought I was an asshole. " ~Gabe Howard The final episode of season three features the host with schizophrenia interviewing the host with bipolar disorder about his life managing mental illness. Confused? No need to be, just listen now to found out Gabe's biggest regret, whether he would get rid of bipolar if he could,...

Podcast: Deep Q’s For an NYC Woman with Schizophrenia

"When I was at home, I'd be talking to myself and they're like, What are you laughing at? What is so funny? And I'd be like, Oh, nothing, nothing at all. But yeah, they figured it out. They all figured it out." ~Michelle Hammer Sometimes people think our hosts, Gabe and Michelle, are actors just playing a role for the show. We can assure you, they are real people managing severe and persistent mental illness. In this episode, Gabe interviews Michelle about her life in New...

Podcast: Trauma and Mental Illness

"I believe like 99.9999% Of people have experienced some type of trauma. You think you haven't. The statistics say that not everybody has, but I disagree with that. Everyone's experienced some type of trauma. ~Michelle Hammer People with mental illness have almost certainly experienced trauma -- whether they are aware of it or not. Having a life-long serious illness like bipolar disorder, depression, or schizophrenia, can be traumatic. In this episode, Gabe and Michelle share their personal trauma stories and discuss why people think that only people...

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