The Most Common Mistakes to Avoid When Selecting a Program or...

Parents of a struggling teen sometimes feel lost, fearful, frustrated, and angry.

Parenting a Struggling Teen: Accepting Painful Truths

Most people enter parenthood with dreams about having deeply satisfying, rewarding relationships with their children as they grow and develop successfully.

Finding help for struggling teens: First steps

As all of us know, the adolescent years can be challenging.

Abuses in Programs for Struggling Teens: The Legacy of Scandal

Most programs and schools for struggling teens are run professionally and are reputable.

Confronting Social Disparities

One of the most troubling realities of the struggling teens industry is that many of the youths with the greatest

Parenting a Struggling Teen: The Importance of Self-Care

Parents of struggling teens need to take care of themselves.

Samantha Madhosingh, Psy.D.

Samantha Madhosingh, Psy.D. is a clinical psychologist and professional coach with expertise in child development, family issues, parenting, and trauma. She has a private practice in Washington, DC and Northern Virginia providing an array of therapeutic services to adults, children, adolescents and families. Dr. Madhosingh has worked in multiple mental health care settings, including as an administrator at a psychiatric hospital, a clinical administrator for a mental health agency, and as a clinical psychologist in a school. She has served as an adjunct faculty...

Programs for Struggling Teens: Ideal Features- Part II

The professional literature on adolescent development and programs for struggling teens suggests that, ideally, programs should have a number of key features. 

Programs for Struggling Teens: Alternative High Schools

Alternative high schools in the home community provide education, including special education services, to teens who have foundered academically or socially in traditional high schools.

Teens Sleeping with Cell Phones: A Clear and Present Danger

You may already know that many teens sleep with their cell phone on or near the bed.

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