Defrosting the chicken, pursuing the dream
What would scientists learn about your family if they camped out in your home for a few days? Turns out the answer is not so obvious.
Resentment Part 2
In last week’s post “The toxic (and intoxicating) effects of resentment” I introduced the idea that resentments can be difficult to let go of because they not only have negative effects but also they can serve the purpose of feeling powerful.
The Experience of Touch and the Development of Self
Skin is the largest sense organ that humans possess (Brennan & Loev, 1998).
Coping with the Death of a Loved One: The Seductiveness of...
One of the most widely held assumptions about the grieving process is that people proceed through a series of stages as they attempt to come to terms with their loss.
Happiness Exercise: How to Take Incremental Steps
The site trains you to do 100 push-ups at one time, and it trains you to do so in six weeks.
Parenting a Struggling Teen: Let Go . . . and Hold...
Parents of children who have struggled for a long time have lots of experience stepping in to pick up the pieces.
The toxic (and intoxicating) effects of resentment
Colombia is a country with frequent kidnappings, often with tragic results.
Intergenerational Transmission of Attachment
Last week my blog post explored the historical underpinnings of attachment theory.
My fault, your fault, default?
In his short story in a recent issue of New Yorker, Julian Barnes captures the subtle shifts of attention and the nuances of emotion that transform two strangers into lovers.
Do You Have Depression? 5 Symptoms Provide the Answer
You’ve probably heard of depression if you’ve listened to a radio or watched a TV in the past 25 years.