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Programs for Struggling Teens: Alternative High Schools

Alternative high schools in the home community provide education, including special education services, to teens who have foundered academically or socially in traditional high schools.

“I’m just coping in my own way”

My chosen profession as a psychotherapist allows me to take many interesting journeys with my clients.

Eating Disorders: The Path to Whole-Person Healing

Though we all have unique human experiences, with emotional challenges that are manifested through a variety of conditions and circumstances, what we all share is a fundamental emotional truth that lies at the very heart of PBS’ This Emotional Life series.

Let’s make 2010 the year for emotional health

A few years ago, I visited an Ivy League school to learn about recent discoveries in the fields of science and medicine.

Programs for Struggling Teens: Substance Abuse Courts

Many different kinds of services and programs are available for struggling teens.

I Am Broken Leg

If you had a broken leg how would you tell someone? Would it be “I AM broken leg” or “I HAVE a broken leg”? Unless you are a caveman it would likely be the latter.

Attachment, Motherhood, and Mental Health

This is an interview conducted with Dr. Jessica Zucker by Therese J. Borchard of Beyond Blue.

Sadness and Depression

Sadness is one of the cardinal negative emotions.

Resilience in Late Bloomers: The Case of Michael Maddaus

Who would have predicted that a teenager growing up in Minneapolis in a chaotic family with alcoholism and violence, arrested two dozen times, barely attending school, with no plans for any productive career would grow up to be a well-known surgeon in charge of training new surgeons at the University of Minnesota Medical School? Or that he would end up on television in  This Emotional Life?

Communicating with the Deceased

Suppose you speak with a neighbor who tells you that she has weekly discussions with her deceased mother.

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