Deployment Diary: Who Are You Calling Dependent?
The term “military dependent” is no longer used in polite military society, replaced not so long ago by the far more PC “family member”.
Maternal Self-Esteem
Body change is shrouded in fear. Iconic female bodies are tiny, toned, tight, and most definitely without the permanence of stretch marks.
Remembering the Psychological Impact of War… and Doing Something About It
On September 11, 2001, our nation went to war—first in Afghanistan and later in Iraq.
Once a Warrior, Always a Warrior
As we honor our fallen brothers and sisters on Memorial Day, I’d also like to honor everyone who has ever risked their lives in a war zone in the service of this wonderful country.
Memorial Day: A Time to Remember
Hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill, relaxing by the pool or spending the day at the beach, the unofficial beginning of summer and a much needed day off of work--
Operation Marriage: The Unbearable Absence of Smelling
There’s this gross thing I do a few weeks before my husband deploys: I steal his dirty t-shirts.
The Doctor/Patient Relationship
Hippocrates wrote: “It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.”
Understanding What Matters
My wife had to leave for 3 weeks specialized training and it gave me a taste of what life will be like during her deployment.
Zen Bite: Stinky Zen
Zen Buddhists refer to enlightenment as being on top of a 100 foot pole. It is a wonderful metaphor that conveys clarity, wisdom and life above the normal strife of humanity.