9 Lessons for Caregivers Through Serious Illness
The late thirties and early forties can be the most stressful time of a person's life if they are caring for their parents while raising children of their own.
Are You Spiritual or Psychotic?
In his bestselling book, “Strong at the Broken Places,” Richard Cohen profiles, among five persons living with chronic illness, mental health advocate Larry Fricks.
Sparrow vs. Vulture: Finding Your Support Structure
“I could care less if you love or hate me. I’m way past that. I’m asking that you respect me as a human being, anyway.”
5 Common Happiness Mistakes
Every Wednesday is Tip Day. This Wednesday: 5 happiness boosters that actually do more harm than good.
Programs for Struggling Teens: Ideal Features- Part V
The professional literature on adolescent development and programs for struggling teens suggests that, ideally, programs should have a number of key features.
Smaller Than Before: The Politics of Postpartum Bodies
A close friend of mine from graduate school was in town over the weekend, someone I hadn’t seen since I was mid-way through my pregnancy.
Giving Jell-O Some Thought: The Hospital Menu in the Modern Age
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
The Digital Wife
Katie has been gone a week now. We drove up the coast and I dropped her off at a hotel near a naval base in central California.
Success: When it Becomes an Inexhaustible Endeavor
"If you spend too much time polishing your image, you’ll eventually tarnish your character and be an unhappy man.”