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Bipolar Disorder

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We all experience ups and downs. Most of us are able to regulates our mood day to day through self care, stress management, and problem solving.

Imagine, though, what it would be like to have extended periods of extreme highs and lows that don’t match up with whatever else is going on in your life and that you can’t control. People with bipolar disorder, a serious illness, are on this kind of a roller coaster, and it can wreak havoc on their relationships, jobs, and well-being. There is no cure for bipolar disorder, but there is effective treatment available.

Blog, Articles & Videos


Podcast: Crazy Outtakes from the Edge (The Bonus Episode)

"Gabe & Michelle are mentally ill and crazy. It's a rare combination." ~Lisa Kiner Bonus episode filled with outtakes and…

Podcast: One of us Was Naked! Truth or Lie?

"I zone out on a train and I talk to myself on the trains and I was out of it…

Podcast: Moving Past Depression (and Other Musings)

Why don't we ever talk about how despite our best efforts, we are depressed? Now, let's figure out how to…

Podcast: To Therapy or Not to Therapy?

"People don't want to see a therapist because they think that means they're crazy. But, who decided that?" ~Gabe Howard Today,…

Podcast: Died From Mental Illness (CW: Suicide)

It's called suicide, but it should be called death from mental illness. We don't die from "cancer-cide", as an example.…

Podcast: Nail Biting and Hair Twirling (Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors)

Why you gotta turn my nail biting into some big mental thing. I just bite my nails, why are people…

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