The Importance of Celebration in Your Relationship

“…the cruelest thing one can do to one’s partner is to be good at fidelity but bad at celebration.”

Dancing in the Dark: Reclaiming Sexual Desire in Your Relationship

It takes more than just showing up to reclaim or renew a good sexual relationship.

Relationships: The Front Line of Health Care

When it comes down to it, relationships are the only real defense health care has in response to its inherent chaos.

Dreaming of Some Sibling Revelry

What's my ideal relationship with my sister? We’ll be friends because we want to be, not because we have to be.

8 Ways To Affair-Proof Your Marriage

To keep your marriage on happy side of the statistics, try these tips on how to make marriage affair-proof.

War On The Military Family

We owe it to our military families to provide them with the resources and skills they need to keep their families strong.

The Relationship of Age and Happiness: A Surprising Finding

Research has increasingly found happiness to be a function of many dimensions. One of them happens to be age

Caring How You Look and Caring Who You Love

“I love you but I don’t love that large Disney Sweatshirt.”

Our First Anniversary

Last week was mine and my husband’s first anniversary.

Is Technology Short-Circuiting Your Relationship?

A day before the announcement of one of the latest iphones, a New York Times article addressed the mental price of our involvement with technology.

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