Do We Recognize the Grief of Losing a Sibling?

We too often overlook the bond between siblings & the unique grief suffered when a brother or sister dies.

9 Lessons for Caregivers Through Serious Illness

The late thirties and early forties can be the most stressful time of a person's life if they are caring for their parents while raising children of their own.

Medicine by the Numbers

“If you want to inspire confidence, give plenty of statistics. It does not matter that they should be accurate, or even intelligible, as long as there is enough of them.”

Robert Neimeyer Ph.D.

Dr. Neimeyer is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Memphis, where he also maintains an active clinical practice. Neimeyer has published 22 books, including Meaning Reconstruction and the Experience of Loss, and serves as Editor of the journal Death Studies. The author of over 300 articles and book chapters and a frequent workshop presenter, Dr. Neimeyer is currently working to advance a more adequate theory of grieving as a meaning-making process. He served as President of the Association for Death Education and Counseling (ADEC)...

Communicating with the Deceased

Suppose you speak with a neighbor who tells you that she has weekly discussions with her deceased mother.

Eye on the Elderly- Helping Seniors in the Hospital Setting

All diseases run into one, old age.”  -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

When It’s Time to Leave- Surviving the Hospital Discharge

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” 

Caring for the Caregivers – Surviving the Hospital Discharge, Part 2

Plato wrote:  “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

Camille Wortman Ph.D.

Dr. Wortman received her Ph.D. from Duke University in 1972. She served on the faculty at Northwestern University and the University of Michigan before moving to Stony Brook in 1990. She is an expert on grief and bereavement, and has published more than 100 articles and book chapters on this topic. She conducted a large study on spousal loss that followed respondents for 7-10 years to identify the predictors of successful adjustment. Her main area of expertise concerns how people react to the sudden,...

Transforming your pain into a gift for others

A woman I’ll call “Sasha” was referred to me by her primary care physician after her 12-year-old daughter died suddenly of unknown causes.

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