Patricia Hoffman Judd Ph.D.

Dr. Judd is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the UCSD School of Medicine. She is Director of the UCSD Co-occurring Disorders (Substance Abuse and other Mental Disorders) Integrated Treatment and Research Program, Director of Clinical Training for Allied Mental Health Professionals at the UCSD Outpatient Psychiatric Service, and Director of the UCSD Attachment Institute. Dr. Judd’s research focuses on cognitive functioning in patients with borderline personality disorder. She also studies characteristics of clients with co-occurring substance abuse and other mental disorders and what factors contribute...

Drew Westen, Ph.D.

Dr. Westen received his B.A. at Harvard University, an M.A. in Social and Political Thought at the University of Sussex (England), and his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the University of Michigan, where he subsequently taught for six years. For several years he was Chief Psychologist at Cambridge Hospital and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School. His major areas of research are personality disorders, eating disorders, psychotherapy effectiveness, adolescent psychopathology, political psychology, and the interface of psychodynamics and neuroscience. Dr. Westen is the author of...

George Vaillant, M.D.

Dr. Vaillant is a Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and the Department of Psychiatry, Brigham and Women's Hospital. He has spent his research career charting adult development and the recovery process of schizophrenia, heroin addiction, alcoholism, and personality disorder. He has spent the last 35 years as Director of the Study of Adult Development at the Harvard University Health Service. The study has followed the lives of 824 men and women for almost 70 years. A graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Medical...

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