The Building Blocks of Connection

From Shelly J. Appet:

How My Career Taught Me To Be a Better Father

“There is no instinct like that of the heart.” 

If I Had Bad Parents, Will I Be a Bad Parent...

If you weren’t parented well, that doesn’t mean you can’t be a good parent.

Searching for Attachment at Home

The key to any bond rests with time spent together.

Advice from Antiquity

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.”

Melissa Ensminger, RN

Melissa Ensminger is a Nurse Home Visitor for the Nurse Family Partnership Program (NFP), administered by Family First Health in York, Pennsylvania. She works with first-time, low-income mothers and their children on an ongoing basis in their homes. Home visits allow the NFP to experience mothers and their children in their day-to-day lives and offer a greater understanding of their environment. This evidence-based community health program has proven results, including long-term family improvements in health, education, and economic self-sufficiency. Melissa Ensminger has been a community...

How Your Baby Bonds With You

Bonding with your baby might sound like getting Krazy Glued together, but it’s actually more like a dance.

The Experience of Touch and the Development of Self

Skin is the largest sense organ that humans possess (Brennan & Loev, 1998).

Barbara Nicholson, MEd, CEIM

Barbara is a cofounder of Attachment Parenting International and a co-author of Attached at the Heart: Eight Proven Parenting Principles for Raising Connected and Compassionate Children (iUniverse, 2009) Barbara Nicholson has committed her life to working with parent-child relationship issues and is a leading authority on attachment parenting. She has been featured in national and regional publications including, Newsday, Child Magazine, Mothering Magazine, Natural Life Magazine, Washington Post, Seattle’s Child, Today’s Parents, Westchester Parent, and Charlotte Parent, as well as many international publications. Barbara...

Mindful Parenting Nurtures Healthy Attachment

Children who feel connected to their primary caretakers do better in their lives.

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