Embracing a Strengths Perspective

Since the advent of efforts in the 1800s to intervene with struggling teens and their families, we have learned a great deal about what to do—and what not to do—to be helpful.

Parenting a Struggling Teen: The Importance of Self-Care

Parents of struggling teens need to take care of themselves.

How to assess struggling teens’ special needs

To find the right services, schools, or programs for struggling teens, it is important to have a good understanding of his or her unique challenges and needs.

Parenting a Struggling Teen: Forming a United Front

Parents of a struggling teen sometimes find it difficult to coordinate their parenting styles and strategies.

Parenting a Struggling Teen: Learning How to Cope with Shame and...

Parents of struggling teens know the unparalleled pain associated with unwelcome news that their child is in some kind of trouble.

Parenting a Struggling Teen: Thinking Beyond the Crisis

Understandably, parents of struggling teens often are preoccupied with immediate crises.

Programs for Struggling Teens: Alternative High Schools

Alternative high schools in the home community provide education, including special education services, to teens who have foundered academically or socially in traditional high schools.

The Most Common Mistakes to Avoid When Selecting a Program or...

Parents of a struggling teen sometimes feel lost, fearful, frustrated, and angry.

Samantha Madhosingh, Psy.D.

Samantha Madhosingh, Psy.D. is a clinical psychologist and professional coach with expertise in child development, family issues, parenting, and trauma. She has a private practice in Washington, DC and Northern Virginia providing an array of therapeutic services to adults, children, adolescents and families. Dr. Madhosingh has worked in multiple mental health care settings, including as an administrator at a psychiatric hospital, a clinical administrator for a mental health agency, and as a clinical psychologist in a school. She has served as an adjunct faculty...

Alan Kazdin, Ph.D.

Dr. Kazdin is the John M. Musser Professor of Psychology and Child Psychiatry and the Director of the Yale Parenting Center and Child Conduct Clinic. He conducts research on child rearing, parenting, and treatment of oppositional, aggressive, and antisocial behavior in children and adolescents. He has developed and investigated evidence-based psychotherapies that improve child functioning at home, at school, and in the community. He has authored over 600 chapters and articles and 45 books for professionals in addition to a recent book for parents, The...

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