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Bipolar Disorder

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We all experience ups and downs. Most of us are able to regulates our mood day to day through self care, stress management, and problem solving.

Imagine, though, what it would be like to have extended periods of extreme highs and lows that don’t match up with whatever else is going on in your life and that you can’t control. People with bipolar disorder, a serious illness, are on this kind of a roller coaster, and it can wreak havoc on their relationships, jobs, and well-being. There is no cure for bipolar disorder, but there is effective treatment available.

Blog, Articles & Videos


Podcast: We Are Frauds (Talking About Imposter Syndrome)

"Don't get mad at your friends when they don't tell you what you want to hear. Because what you need to hear…

Podcast: Serious Questions About Life with Bipolar Disorder

"My Mom and Dad didn't notice anything. My friends didn't notice anything. It's not like anybody said to me 'Oh,…

Podcast: Deep Q’s For an NYC Woman with Schizophrenia

"When I was at home, I'd be talking to myself and they're like, What are you laughing at? What is…

Podcast: Trauma and Mental Illness

"I believe like 99.9999% Of people have experienced some type of trauma. You think you haven't. The statistics say that…

Podcast: Our Take on Gun Violence and Mental Illness

"They say, well, something's got to be wrong with you if you shoot a bunch of people. Yeah, I am…

Podcast: Packing for a Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital Stay

"Isn't a pool cue like extremely dangerous in the psych ward? Like, you can't have any hooks on the walls.…

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