Dr. Phillips is a licensed Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, Diplomat in Group Psychotherapy and Co-Author of Healing Together. She has been an Adjunct Professor of Clinical Psychology in the Doctoral Program of Long Island University, Brookville, N.Y., since 1991. In addition to her private practice in Northport, she has provided direct services in the aftermath of trauma and disaster to civilians and uniformed service providers and has trained professionals nationally and internationally. In February 2008 she testified before Congress for the needs of military and their families. She has co-authored three books and over 20 articles and writes a blog for Psych Central (Healing Together for Couples). Most recently she co-edited Public Mental Health Service Delivery Protocols: Group Interventions for Disaster Preparedness and Response ( New York: American Group Psychotherapy Association ,2008) and co-authored Healing Together: A Couple’s Guide to Coping with Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress.( New Harbinger,2008) She has recently appeared on TV Fox 5 Good Day New York for her blog “ Can Pets Improve Your Relationship?” To learn more about Suzanne and her work, visit http://www.couplesaftertrauma.com/.