Home Jaana Juvonen, Ph.D.

Jaana Juvonen, Ph.D.

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Jaana Juvonen, Ph.D.


Dr. Juvonen conducts research on young adolescent peer relationships. A central goal of her work is to understand how groups respond to “different” others. Her latest research examines the ways in which bullying shapes both societal norms and the adjustment of individuals.

She has coauthored and coedited three books, including Peer Harassment in School: The Plight of the Vulnerable and Victimized. Her research has been cited in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Atlantic Monthly, Christian Science Monitor, and Time magazine.

Dr. Juvonen received her doctorate from the Department of Education at UCLA. She publishes mainly in developmental journals and has served on the editorial boards of Developmental Psychology and Child Development. She also consults schools on anti-bullying programs.


Awards and Credentials

  1. National Academy of Education Spencer Fellowship
  2. Senior Fellowship of the Academy of Finland
  3. UCLA Psychology Department Distinguished Adjunct Faculty Teaching Award

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Recommended Reading List

  • “Extending the School Social Scene?—Bullying Experiences in Cyberspace.” Juvonen, J. et al. (2008). Journal of School Health, 78.
  • “Peer Influence in Involuntary Social Groups: Lessons from Research on Bullying.” Juvonen, J., et al. (2008). Peer Influence Processes Among Youth. Guilford.
  • “Ethnic Diversity and Perceptions of Safety in Urban Middle School.” Juvonen, J., et al. (2006). Psychological Science, 17.

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