The Birth of Attachment Theory

John Bowlby began his clinical observations of attachment behavior in the 1960s while working in a home for maladjusted boys.

Parenting Begins Long Before Baby Arrives

In our wildest fantasies we rarely imagine feeling anything other than pure unadulterated joy upon meeting our babies for the first time.

Attachment, Parenting and Childhood Mental Illnesses

Mother’s Day celebrations bring to mind the centrality of attachment as an important topic for anyone studying human emotion.

The presents of presence: A look at attachment and bonding

Early parenting is a whirlwind. Falling in love with your newborn does not necessarily happen over night.

Balancing Work and Family

Being a mom feels like I’m riding a see-saw sometimes.

Pornography and Attachment

Here is a glimpse into my dissertation research, which explores the vicissitudes of the mother-daughter attachment relationship through the lens of women who work in the sex industry.

Attachment and the Development of Resilience

It seems we are built by design to thrive in attuned and responsive relationships. Love nourishes and buffers our hearts.

Be the Change: Nurturing the Capacity for Compassion

Whether we feel love, affection, empathy or compassion for others is determined by childhood experiences

Take Five

Transition to parenthood is hard; most couples experience a drop in marital satisfaction after the birth of their baby.

Leslie Potter

Leslie Potter is the founder of Pure Joy Parenting, a joy based parenting model which supports parents in moving from a traditional fear-based model to a joy-based one focusing on relationship and healthy attachment. She is a co-author of Chaos to Connection: 9 Heart Centered Essentials for Parenting your Teen. Leslie is a Parent Coach with a background as a body centered therapist. She created the Parent Coach model at Vive a national company working with at risk teens and their parents. In 2008, she...

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