Home This Emotional Life: The Visual Series

This Emotional Life: The Visual Series


This Emotional Life: The Visual Series

February 23, 2021

PBS released a documentary called “This Emotional Life” and I saw it and went to pieces. If I could narrow down one aspect of human education without which we all suffer, it would be the lack of education around emotional intelligence and emotional management. “This Emotional Life” discusses a broad range of the emotional trials and tribulations of being human, but also shows us how sustained happiness isn’t as far out of our reach as we may think. The field of positive psychology – studied by companies such as Zappos – actually gives us tools to shape our states of happiness instead of bumbling around hoping we stumble upon it. It was such a powerful series of films that I sought out the producers and the host, Dr. Dan Gilbert, and requested the documentary transcripts so I could do a “visual series” of the content. After some explanation of what I do and after sharing with them my portfolio – specifically The War of Art piece –  they got excited about the project and decided to be supportive of it. What you see above is Page One and Two of many to come. I plan to stitch these visual narratives together, ultimately to create a sort of (digital) graphic novel that summarizes the power of emotional health and how we can get there.


From: http://sunnibrown.com/2010/06/03/pbs-this-emotional-life/


Sunni Brown Bio

Sunni Brown is a business owner, information designer and co-author

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